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Lac defloratum
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Lac defloratum - Brands

Lac Deflore is often very helpful for those patients who are intolerant to milk and have some or the other symptoms after drinking milk - headache, diarrhea, menstrual cramps or something else.

As soon as milk is consumed during the ragini period of lac deflore, menstruation stops as in that month. Her menses are interrupted by touching cold water.

There is so much hostility to milk with lac deflore, but when there is a delay in the coming of milk to the breasts of a parturient woman, its use gives excellent results.

Lac Deflor's constipation is so severe that it is doubtful if she has a bowel movement once a week, esp

extreme weakness. Fingertips are cold as ice. The fourth word of lac deflore is edema and polyuria. Lac deflore should be considered if edema occurs due to malaria, albumenuria, liver defects or cardiac defects.

Sumbulus moschatus
Silica marina

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