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Hydrastis canadensis
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Hydrastis canadensis - Brands

Constant voiding in stomach- but cannot eat anything, nothing tastes good to his mouth. Desire to eat and hunger - but reluctance to everything. If forcefully wants to eat something - there is great pain in the stomach, burning, swelling of the stomach, little regurgitation, vomiting. Only water or milk is tolerated but no other food is tolerated, rather the discomfort worsens after eating.

Hydrastis is often used in cancer because hunger or voiding in the stomach and reluctance in the mouth are precursors of cancer and hydrastis is the best indicator.

Mucous discharge from all places - eyes, ears, nostrils, uterus or anus - is very thick and sticky.

Has hydrastis power on liver. Due to pitta dosha, the patient's organs are yellow in color, the tongue is yellow in color, stools are yellow in the stomach, red yellow in color, and the mucus is also yellow in color. Note that although hydrastis prab is sometimes whitish, yellow discharge is characteristic.

Patients with hydrastis almost always suffer from constipation or constipation.

Cancer astecus
Arbutus arctosphylos
Tussilago farfara

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