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Ferrum metallicum
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Ferrum metallicum - Brands

By looking at the patient's face, lips, eyes, tongue, etc., one can understand how far the patient has become bloodless. The tongue is white, the lips are white, and if you pull the eyelids, you can see that there is not a single drop of blood in it. Such a bloodless, pale appearance is the best sign of ferrum.

Ferum should be remembered even if there is excessive bleeding from various parts of the body. Discharged blood coagulates less. Excessive hemorrhagic cough.

Ferrum, though so bloodless, so weak, but all his symptoms or most of his sufferings are increased by rest, and lessened by slow walking.

In Ferum there is also strong appetite and anorexia, but sudden vomiting without vomiting is a peculiar symptom. Vomiting usually occurs in the middle of the night.

Lobelia acetum
Pneumus boldo
Sinapsis nigra
Stannum metallicum
Stannum metallicum

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