“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
To the eclectic doctors from various medical disciplines, we are indebted to them for getting this valuable “Blood Dosha Remedies”. Juvenile diseases caused by infection from infectious toxins in the person's own body. Symptoms of septicemia are usually putrid or septic condition of the blood. Diarrhea in regional fever or typhoid. Gonorrhea. boils Erysipelas and fetid lesions. Gangrene. Goitre, as if the eyes were pushed out, in full, also injected directly into the thyroid gland in doses of 5 to 10 drops. Acute (malignant) transformation of acute and chronic diseases. This medicine relieves pain in terminal stage of cancer. Infection by snake venom. Cerebrospinal meningitis. Obstetric Infectious Diseases. feeling tired Hemorrhoids Purulent secretions. This medicine acts on the appendix, hence it is used in appendicitis, but it should be remembered that this medicine has the ability to induce pus and if this medicine is used in cases of untreated purulent appendicitis, , in which case the affected part will probably rupture. Inflammation of the lymph nodes, cache injury. Snake bites and all bites and stings in general. Foul-smelling discharge accompanied by lassitude and great weakness.