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Digitalis purpurea

0.00 (0)

Action Period: 40 to 50 Days

In diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys, digitalis is often very useful when it is found that the pulse rate is very low, i.e. not more than 50 or 55 pulses are found or the temperature is also low. A slow pulse in liver pain or a slow pulse in kidney pain is the best sign of digitalis. The weakness of the heart is the reason why the pulse of Vizitellis is so slow. Digitalis's heart becomes very weak and the pulse immediately slows down.

Digitalis's fingers go numb. Face, lips, tongue, fingers etc. are blue.

These few words are the best about slow pulse digitalis with hepatitis.

As the stomach becomes blocked, even though he wants to eat something, he cannot tolerate the smell of the food - causing constant vomiting.

Suffocation during sleep. He began to take deep breaths.

Generic for Diseases
  • Gallstones
  • Jaundice
  • Enlarged heart
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Heart palpitations
  • Tachycardia
  • Myocardial ischemia
  • Retention of Urine

Generic Indications
  • Berry berry
  • Edema
  • Heart attack
  • Impotency
  • Liver inflammation
  • Nocturnal emission
  • Urinary deficiency

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration
  • Berry Berry: Strength Q 2/3 drop with little water three to four times a day.
  • Edema: Shakti Q 3/4 drop with a little water three times a day.
  • Sleep Dosha: Shakti 3x Crushed half grain dose 2/1 day after morning in the morning.
  • Heart trouble: Shakti Q 3/4 drop with a little water three to four times daily.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Digitalis purpurea

List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

Tylophora indica
Aqua marina
Salicylicum acidum

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Digitalis purpurea, ডিজিটালিস পুরপুরীয়া

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