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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Chionanthus virginica Brands
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Chionanthus virginic...
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Chionanthus virginica - Brands

It is beneficial in many types of headaches, menstrual and menstrual headaches, nervous weakness, periodical recurrent disease or pala disease, nyala, nyala including menstruation, and liver pain. Its main action is on the liver and hepatic veins.

This medicine is often helpful in many types of headaches, nervous debility, periodic ailments, menstrual disorders, and pyogenic disorders. The medicine is to be taken for several weeks, in single doses, and the headaches, which sometimes trouble the patient, are often relieved by drinking more. Pain in eyelids, chiefly above eyes. Violent pain in the eyeballs, with pressure at the base of the nose. Enlargement of the spleen, jaundice, and obstructed monthly menstruation. It is a special medicine for the liver.

Dull, indifferent. Mild pain in the frontal part of the head. The tongue is broad, with a thick yellowish, coat-like coating. Dryness inside the mouth does not subside after drinking water, also profuse salivation. Tetanus, liver enlargement with jaundice, and constipation. The tongue is very loose. No appetite at all. Biliary colic. The liver is sensitive. The urinary function is of high importance with copious amounts of urine; frequent urination; Presence of bile and sugar in the urine. Urine dark. skin yellow; Visibly moist skin.

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