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Chimaphila umbellata
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...
Dr. Reckeweg R25
Dr. Reckeweg
Liquid Liquid
Size: 22ml | Price: 350

Chimaphila umbellata - Brands

Acts on the kidneys, kidneys, genitals and urogenital system; Also this medicine works on lymph nodes, mesenteric glands, and female mammary glands. Juvenile, hemorrhagic gynecomastia with urinary distress. Women who have large breasts. Edema due to liver and kidney; Old alcoholism has just begun and is a growing phenomenon.

It is a medicine whose indications are similar to those applied to urinary symptoms, especially cataracts, new or old. The urine is scanty and the urine has a stringy pus-mucous cast. Enlargement of the prostate gland.

Pain in an enlarged part of the left side of the forehead. Seeing the universe around the light. Itchy eyelids. Tearing discharge with stabbing pain in the left eye. Toothache, increased after exertion and eating. Cold water relief. The pain feels like the teeth are being pulled slowly.

Urine flow. Urine is cloudy, foul-smelling, stringy or blood-tinged mucus and, copious amounts of sediment. Burning, burning sensation during urination, and cramping after urination. You must defecate before the stream of urine begins. Urine scanty. Legs apart, not standing, can't urinate at all and the body leans forward.

Kalium aceticum
Bacillinum burnett
Chininum sulphuricum
Chininum sulphuricum
Natrum telluricum
Justicia adhatoda
Justicia adhatoda

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