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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Cereus bonplandii
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Cereus bonplandii - Brands

The mind loves to work and always wants to do something necessary. Pain in the back of the head and pain radiating through the eyeballs and orbits. Pain across the brain, from left to right. Pain starts from the right cheekbone and goes to the vein.

Sudden pain in the heart, as if the heart were being pierced. Pain in the entire mouth through the heart, with pain extending to the spleen. Chest pain on the left side and pain in the lower lumbar muscle band on the left side. A feeling of heavy pressure on the heart, accompanied by a dull ache. Enlargement of the heart. Difficult, sighing breathing, as if a weight were on the chest. Pain in the neck, back, shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. Pain in the joints of the knees and lower limbs.

Plumeria cell
Kali telluricum
Lobelia cerulia
Methylium salicylicum
Oniscus asellus

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