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Cedron simaruba - Ferruginea

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Recurrence of the disease at certain times is clearly present in this medicine and is the most prominent characteristic of this medicine. This medicine is particularly useful in countries with tropical or swampy, wet and humid climates. It has been found that the drug works well in malaria-like symptoms, especially in neurasthenia. Works well on sensual, excitable, and nervous persons. It has the ability to act against snake venom and acts against insect stings. The fresh extract of this medicine is applied externally on the wound.

Insanity Pains across the head, over the eyes, from one vein to the other. Pain in entire right side of face, onset at 9 a.m. Pain over forehead becomes like a lunatic, when working in the dark, increase. Tinnitus due to quinine. A feeling of numbness in the whole body with pain in the head.

Pain in the left eye like an arrow. Sharp pain in the star of the eye with circling pain around the eye, pain in the nose like an arrow. Burning discharge. Neuralgia in the upper part of the eye Kotreb, pain occurs at certain times. Inflammation of the esophagus.

stabbing pains in joints; It is more common in hands and feet. Sudden onset of pain in ball of right thumb, pain extending up arm and neck. Pain in round part of right leg, pain extends to sneeze. Herpes zoster, accompanied by diffuse pain. Knee joint edema.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications

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Rattlesnake Robin

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Boric Dimension: 3rd power from Arishta.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Cedron simaruba - Ferruginea

List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

Calcarea caustica
Baryta phosphorica
Hydrobromic acid
Citric acid
Mercurius sulphuricus
Carcinosinum (Carcinosin)
Carcinosinum (Carcinosin)
Calcarea lactica

Searching Keywords Idea
Cedron, Cedron simaruba - Ferruginea, সিড্রন, সিড্রন - সিম্যারিউবা ফেরোজিনিয়া

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