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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Carbo vegetabilis
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Carbo vegetabilis - Brands

Carbo veg medicine, though generally used more in young diseases, is a profound medicine, i.e., its power is not less in old diseases, especially when the patient after a young disease does not regain his former health or is delayed in reaching his normal state, as, say, a little after pneumonia. A cold causes a cold cough, or after a partial fever, acid or indigestion occurs after the slightest indigestion, measles or spring causes pus in the ear, postpartum or postpartum bleeding, or uterine laxity. Then one should think about Carbo Veg. Therefore, when I hear or know while treating a patient that he suffered from such and such a disease about such and such a year ago or such and such a year and he could not get better from that day or after that, then I will remember Carbo Veg once.

In cholera, pneumonia, etc., when the patient is frozen, the breath is cold even to the tongue, and the whole body is drenched in perspiration, when the air is disturbed, Carbo Veg often brings the patient back from death's door.

When the organic nature becomes almost immobilized, the vitality is deprived, after excessive consumption of quinine in malarial fever, abuse of mercury, injuries or any severe young infection, the tendency to hemorrhage from different parts of the body also manifests itself. Bleeding from the nose, Bleeding from the mouth, Bleeding from the anus, Bleeding after pregnancy, Bleeding after delivery, Bleeding without flowers.

Calcarea picratam
Calcarea picratam
Lycopus europaeus
Angustura (galipea off.)
Neurin niccolum metal
Cuprum aceticum
Pilocarpinum Muriaticum
Swertia chirata

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