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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Calcarea sulphurica
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Calcarea sulphurica - Brands

Eczema and swollen glands. Cystic tumors. Fibroids. All methods of impotence belong to this medicine. Mucous discharge is yellowish, dark and curdled. Lupan Vanmaris. Eruptions on the head of children are special, in which case the medicine is applicable, if the eruption emits a purulent discharge or yellow pus-like crust appears.

Eye inflammation with a dark, yellowish discharge. The cornea is cloudy Neonatal eye inflammation. Deafness, accompanied by discharge from the middle ear, sometimes mixed with blood. Rash around the ear. Coldness in the head, accompanied by a dark, yellowish, pus-like discharge. The edges of the nostrils are scarred. Eruptions and purulent eruptions on the face.

The inside of the lip is bruised. Tongue is loose, looks like a dry mud coating on the tongue. The taste in the mouth is sour, soapy, acrid. The base of the tongue has a yellow coating. Blood mixed with pus-like liberality. Painful boils around the anus, as seen in fistula. Menstruation after certain period, chronic headache, throbbing and great weakness. Burning itching on the soles of the feet. Bribery fever, this fever is due to pus. Along with cough and burning sensation in the soles of the feet. Yellowish, purulent bark. At the base of the hair, numerous blisters without crusts, bleeding when scratched. Dry eczema in children.

Calcarea ovorum
Luffa operculata
Latrodectus hasselti
Ammonium phosphate
Arsenicum iodatum
Chromium sulphate
Cadmium sulphuratum

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