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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Bryonia alba
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...

Bryonia alba - Brands

Someone who is suffering from a disease is always lying still, if he moves a little, all his pains increase, even when he gets up and sits, he feels difficulty in looking with his eyes or taking breath. Then, whatever the disease, Bryonia will be the first thing I remember. Because Brownie's first words are increased movement and relief if lying still.

Characteristic throbbing pains greatly aggravated by any movement, the symptom being found almost everywhere, but especially in the chest, with increased pressure. All mucilages are taxa. Bryonia patients are irritable, dizzy on lifting the head, headache with pressure, dry and burning lips and mouth, great thirst, bitter taste, sensitive upper part of stomach and sensation of stone in stomach, long, dry stools.

Profuse thirst with dryness of mouth, tongue and throat. Tongue coated, dark brown in color, tongue with white thick coating in gastric disorder. Menstruation too early, profuse in quantity, increased in motion, with tearing pains in legs, stoppage of menses, epistaxis, or splitting headache. Breast pain during menstruation. Breasts hot, and painful, hard. Breast abscess. Frequent bleeding from the nose after menses.

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