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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
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Brachyglottis - Brands

Trembling sensation like flapping of wings (Caladium). Renal and urinary symptoms are predominant. This urine produces signs of the presence of albumin. Itching in the ears and nostrils. Bright's disease, chest tightness.

Feels like something is moving inside the stomach. Trembling in the ovary. Urinary pressure, urinary urgency. Feeling of water in the bladder. Terrifying pain in the urethra, as if urine could not be retained at all. Mucous membranes, epithelial cells, albumin and fibroblasts are found in the urine. Griping of nails in fingers, thumb and wrist while writing.

Methylium salicylicum
Actea racemosa
Actea racemosa
Solanum carolinese
Amoora rohituka
Nat phos
Tussilago petasites

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