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Boletus laricis

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Intermittent fever, occurring one day after another. Sweating is scanty and does not relieve pain. Night sweats in tuberculosis patients. Head feels light and hollow, with pain deep in forehead. Thick, yellow-coated tongue, tongue teeth impression. Always nauseous.

Chilliness along the spine, with frequent flashes of fire. When it is cold, the patient yawns and breaks the cover. Constant pain in the neck, joints and back. Bribing fever and chills with profuse sweat at night. Hot and dry especially palms. The itching is very intense in the area between the two tendons and in the lower arms.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications

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White agaric.

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Boric Level: 1st Power.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Boletus laricis

List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

Uranium nitricum
Galanthus nivlis
Ratanhia peruviana
Ratanhia peruviana
Formic acid
Petroselinum sativum
Baryta muriatica
Baryta muriatica

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