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Berberis vulgaris

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Action Period: 20 to 60 Days

Its action is found in the kidney and bladder region and liver. Pinching pain in the kidney in loins, pain aggravated by pressure or pressure. Kidney pain sometimes radiates to the legs. The pain in the left kidney is greater, the pain increases by pressing, pressing, or moving. Difficulty in urinating etc. symptoms.

Old rheumatic patients. Pain in the kidney is particularly prominent, hence it is used in kidney and bladder problems, disorders, gallstones, and urinary bladder inflammation symptoms. Pain can also spread throughout the body, starting from the waist. Also, this medicine has a pronounced action on the liver which increases the flow of bile. It is often used for urinary symptoms including arthritis. Itinerant, suffering spreads from the point of origin. Works very well on fleshy people, whose livers are healthy but whose endurance is very short. Spinal discomfort.

Nausea before meals in the morning. Throat-chest burning. Pinching pains in gallbladder area, increased pressure, extending to stomach. Inflammatory disorders of the gallbladder include constipation and jaundice. Pinching pain in front of kidney, pain extending to liver, spleen, stomach, and groin. Stinging pain in ileum.

Urinary burning pain. After urinating, some urine remained with this kind of feeling. Urine has dark mucus and bright color, with a grainy bottom. Pain in thighs and loins while urinating. Frequent urination, when urination is not done, it irritates the urethra.

Vaginal contractions and tenderness. Burning and cramping pain in the vagina. Decreased libido, cutting pain during intercourse. Menstruation is scanty, with gray mucus, pain, and coldness in the kidney, and pains down to the thighs. Dysphonia, laryngeal polyps, or soft tissue tumors. Tearing, needle-like pains in chest and heart.

flat warts Itching, burning, and stinging pain, increased itching, relief by cold application. Small pustular eruptions all over the body. Eczema on the anus and hands. Round patches on the skin after inflammation associated with eczema. Cold sensation in various parts of the body, as if cold water had been sprinkled on all those parts.

Generic for Diseases
  • Gallstones
  • Bladder stones

Generic Indications
  • Kidney inflammation

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


Prepared to be the root bark of a European tree. Known as Daruharidra in Bangladesh.

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Kidney trouble: Shakti Q, 3x or 6 five to six drops with a little water three times a day.

Boric Dimension: 6th Shakti from Arishta.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Berberis vulgaris

List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

Oleum caryophyllum
Tinctura acris
Asimina triloba
Asimina triloba
Serpentaria peru (aristolochia)

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Berberis vulgaris, বার্বারিস ভালগারিস

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