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Asparagus officinalis

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The clear and immediate action of this medicine on ductal discharge is well known. This medicine produces edema with weakness and fatigue of the heart. Rheumatic pain. Especially around the left shoulder and the heart.

Confusion Copious watery discharge with cold and so on. Sharp pain in forehead and bridge of nose. In the morning headache like headache with weakness of vision. The inside of the throat feels scratchy, along with sore throat, a lot of sticky mucus comes out of the throat.

Frequent urination with sharp pricking pain in front of urethra, burning, strange smell in urine. Inflammation of the urinary bladder, including pus, mucus and pus. Urinary stones heart, palpitations, pressure inside the chest.

The pulse stops; Weakness, pains around the left shoulder and in the heart, with distention of the bladder. Difficulty breathing. Accumulation of water in the chest. Rheumatic pain in limbs-back, especially near neck and limbs.

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Common Garden Escargots

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Boric Level: 6th Power.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Asparagus officinalis

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Asparagus officinalis, এপ্যরাগাস অফিসিন্যালিস

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