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Asclepias tuberosa

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This drug has a very characteristic action on the pectoral muscles and has been proven. Sick headache or gas accumulation in the stomach, including the stomach and intestines. Indigestion bronchitis and pleurisy are two under the control of this medicine. Cold and damp, wintry conditions in the weather.

Breathing is painful, especially in the lower part of the left lung. Dry cough, constriction in throat, pain in head and stomach due to this. Pain in chest, shooting from left breast downwards.

It is a versatile medicine for removing waste products from the body. Leaning forward reduces chest pain. Inflammatory dysentery, with rheumatic pains all over the body. Stool smells like rotten eggs.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


A tincture is prepared from the fresh root of Asclepius (pleurisy root). Asclepias tuberosa and Asclepias tuberosa and Asclepias cornuti are the two types we use more.

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Boric Dimension: Arishta and 1st Shakti.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Asclepias tuberosa

List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

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Asclepias tuberosa, অ্যাস্কেলপিয়াস টিউরোসা

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