“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
Silver nitrate is obtained by the action of nitric acid on silver. A liquid sequence is prepared from silver nitrate in distilled water.
Argentina Nitrate is best characterized by premature senility due to over-exertion and preoccupation and nervousness in the patient's talking, walking, looking and thinking. Students, lawyers, businessmen etc. who have to exert too much mental energy have mental weakness, headache, heart palpitations, liver defects and also premature aging. But in all actions and all words busyness and anxiety are his best features. That is why we see that he walks very quickly while walking on the road, speaks quickly when he says something, leaves long before a certain time to go somewhere.
broken down With the attempt of intercourse, the firmness and erection of the penis is lost. Cancer-like lesions. Lack of libido. The penis is folded and contracted. Intercourse is painful.
This drug may have a tendency to cause bleeding or bleeding. Bleeding from wounds, from the nose, from inside the chest, bleeding with urine can occur. Excessive leucorrhoea or white discharge.
Eye lift: Strength 30, 200 morning and afternoon twice a day.
Deafness: Strength 200 twice a day. 1m once a week. Higher potency in old diseases.
Headache: Strength 30 or 200 twice a day.
Headache: Shakti 30 or 200 twice in the morning and afternoon.
Boric levels: 3rd to 30th strength.