“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
Cartilage involvement is a hallmark of Argentum Metabolism. But the weakness appears first and is more pronounced in the chest, especially in the left chest. The patient feels difficulty in taking two words or even breathing. Weakness is felt more in left chest and palpitations with weakness. The patient sleeps with various discomforts.
The main action of this medicine is focused on joints and joint supporting materials like bones, cartilage, ligaments etc. The small blood vessels in these areas dry up or become blocked, resulting in instability. This instability occurs very slowly, insidiously, and is progressive.
A professional musician's voice is completely flawless. The larynx feels hoarse and there is throbbing pain. Mucus is easily expelled, the mucus looks like boiled barley.
Bribery fever in the afternoon. One must clear the throat while reading aloud. Great weakness is felt in the chest, more on the left side. Changing voice. Pain in left lower rib cage.
There may be weakness and discomfort in the chest. This type of medicine can only be seen in two! Weakness in the neck, weakness in the chest, as if it is difficult to breathe, even when talking, coughing, because the muscles of the chest are very weak. These two drugs are Urgent Met and Stanam.
The drug has been known to cause many heart-related side effects. Palpitations, throbbing pains in the chest, a particular throbbing, rapid fanning sensation and tremors occur when lying awake. These tremor-like pains can be present all over the body, tremors in hands and feet, tremors with palpitations and general weakness all over the body.
Medicines are prepared by crushing pure silver.
Vibration: Strength 30, 200 twice a day in the morning and afternoon. In old diseases more high potency 1M twice morning and afternoon.
Boric Levels: 6th Crumble and more can't be reapplied too soon.