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Antimonium tartaricum

0.00 (0)

Action Period: 20 to 30 Days

The anti-tart medicine is generally used in bronchitis and pneumonia, and only when the organic nature of the patient is almost comatose, that is, when the flame of life has gone out—death as if imminent, weakness or debility so great as to lie always asleep, fever not very high though The difficulty of breathing is so great that cold sweats appear on the forehead and the cold in the chest is the beginning of the end.

The medicine is particularly effective in various diseases of the respiratory system, the rattling sound in the chest, as well as slight colds are the indications of this medicine. Trembling, weakness, and sweating are characteristic symptoms of all three drugs, and the symptoms are present in almost all cases wherever the drug is administered.

Antimenium Tart can be used in painful urination, difficult urination, hematuria, urine containing albumin, inflammation of the urethra and bladder, burning in the rectum, blood and mucous stools, etc. Trembling of the whole body, great weakness, and dizziness. back pain Chills, muscle aches. Warts on the penis.

The tongue looks like a lei with a thick white coating, with a red edge on the tongue. Red and dry, especially the center of the tongue is brown.

Burning pain in urethra during and after urination. Pain in urinary bladder with last few drops of urine containing blood.

Generic for Diseases
  • Common cold
  • Smallpox
  • Chickenpox
  • Acne

Generic Indications
  • Bronchitis
  • Chickenpox
  • Children do not cry
  • Cough
  • Measles
  • Pneumonia

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


A chemical combination of antimony and potash produces an acidic substance.

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Cough: Shakti 3x or 6 strength is taken every two hours to cure the patient with increased cough, then two doses of Hypersulph 200 will cure completely.

Pneumonia: Strength 2x, 3x or 6 every two to three hours daily.

Jal Vasantha: Strength 3x or 6 administered at two-hourly intervals.

Bronchitis: Strength 3x or 6 every two hours until cough improves. If the cough increases, the strength is 200 in two doses every three hours.

If the child does not cry on the ground: Shakti 6 should be applied in one drop dose frequently.

Measles: Strength 3x, 6 every 2 hours.

Boric Dimension: 2nd and 6th Dimension. At low power sometimes causes an increase in the condition.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Antimonium tartaricum

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Antimonium tartaricum, অ্যান্টিমোনিয়াম টারটারিকাম

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