“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
It is a well-known medicine widely used in chronic nasal diseases and colds of the respiratory tract. Purulent acne, lack of vision without eye symptoms. Itchy hands and feet.
Bloody discharge from the nose while washing the face. Increased amount of cold secretions from nose and throat. Hoarseness and sensation of peeling. Loss of smell. Metallic or metallic taste in the mouth.
Tickling in larynx. An increase in the amount of air circulating in the airways and obstruction of the airways. Difficulty breathing, constriction with pressure inside the airways. Viscous mucus in the trachea and larynx. Dry, hard cough. Hemorrhage in the upper part of the left lung. Winter cough, pain like tetanus all over the patient's body.
Golden Sulphate of Antimony.
Boric level: Second or third crushing.