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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Anilinum - Brands

Coulter's Product Acidobenzene Pronounced dizziness and headache, a purplish tinge to the face. Painful swelling of penis and testicles. Pain in urethra. Pernicious anaemia, with discolouration of the skin, bluish lips, loss of appetite, upset stomach. Skin swelling.

Latrodectus mactans
Balsamum peruvianum
Balsamum peruvianum
Silphion cyrenaicum
Rubia tinctorum
Anemopsis californica
Anemopsis californica
Acid carbolicum
Sambucus canadensis

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