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Angustura vera

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Bark of Galpia casperia Arthritis and paralytic symptoms-great difficulty in walking. There is a rattling sound at all joints.

An irresistible desire to drink coffee is a characteristic symptom of this medicine. Large-scale unstable caries. paralysis archer Muscle and joint stiffness. Hypersensitive.

The main action of this drug is on spinal motor nerves and mucous membranes.

The head is extremely sensitive. Pain in the head, with heat of the face. Sharp pain in cheeks. Pulling sensation in facial muscles. Pain and fatigue in the muscles of the jaw opening. Nail-like pain in zygematic arch.

Indigestion due to dysfunction of the stomach muscles. Dhekur, accompanied by cough (embra).

Flatulence and colic. Thin stools with coty, old diarrhea, weakness and wasting of flesh with it. Burning in the cavity.

Pain in cervical vertebrae. Pulling sensation in neck muscles. Pain in the head, pain in the neck and sacrum, pain aggravated by pressure. Dance and contraction of the back muscles.

Pain in limbs, while walking. Arms feel heavy and tired. Large-scale unstable caries disease. Coldness of fingers. knee pain Bruising in the joints. The skin is unstable with intense pain.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications

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Medicine is prepared from the bark of a tree called Gallipia-Capsepia.

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Boric Level: 6th Power.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Angustura vera

List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

Argentum cyan
Zincum arsenicosum
Artemisia meritima
Baryta carbonica
Baryta carbonica

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Angustura vera, অ্যাঙ্গস্টুরা ভেরা

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