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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

Alumina silicata Brands
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Alumina silicata
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
Size: ... | Price: ...
Dr. Reckeweg R37
Dr. Reckeweg
Liquid Liquid
Size: 22ml | Price: 350

Alumina silicata - Brands

When thinking about alumina, the first thing that comes to mind is its weakness. As the mind is weak, so is the body. Due to his weakness, he always gets very depressed with unnecessary worries, is always worried about various imaginary dangers, can't be restrained in anything, can't control himself in anything.

Alumina is a remarkable remedy for lack of body heat, or premature aging with weakness slowness of action, heaviness, numbness and tottering gait and characteristic constipation, etc.

Fear about one's personality. Everything wants to be done quickly. Time moves slowly. Changing attitudes. As the days progressed, the patient's mind got better. If you see blood or a knife, you want to commit suicide. Pinching, burning pains in the head, accompanied by headache, worse in the morning, but less after eating. Most of the symptoms or signs of 'Alumina' worsen after getting out of bed in the morning.

Ringing in the ears, roaring. It seems that the duct is closed.

Abnormal substances like food like, chalk, charcoal, dry food items, tea leaf powder. Aversion to meat. (Graff, Arnica, Pal) Do not tolerate potatoes.

Stools hard, dry, lumpy, no desire to pass stool. Itching and burning in the vagina. Even loose stools are difficult to pass. You have to pay a lot of money.

Strong desire of men. Ejaculate when you poop! Menstruation long before due period, scanty paleness, great fatigue after menses. (Carb n. coccule).

'Alumina' gives very good results after 'Almen', the nature of these two drugs is very similar, in terms of work, Alumina completes the incomplete work of 'Almen', because both drugs are created from the same metal!

This drug is also effective as an antidote for lead poisoning like Allmen.

Women in their 40s and around may experience scanty menstruation and severe pain on the eve of menopause. All this, when the symptoms of gonorrhoea are known to be temporarily reduced by some medicine or palliation, alumina will be very effective.

Phosphoric acid
Sodii bicarbonas

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