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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Alfalfa or Medicago...
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Alfalfa or Medicago sativa - Brands

Its action can be seen on the atmosphere. The body is nourished and bodily functions are performed healthily. Due to the increase in digestive power, appetite increases and digestive power increases, and mental and physical improvement also increases body weight.

Symptoms arising from malnutrition are cured by this medicine, viz., nervous debility, nervous tendencies, insomnia, nervous indigestion, etc. Acts as a fat growth factor. Prevents fiber loss. Lack of milk in the breast increases the quantity and quality of the milk of lactating mothers. Its special action on urinary diseases is seen in diabetes insipidus and urine.

Boracic acid
Ferrum arsenicosum
Nat phosphoricum
Calcarea sulphurica
Calcarea sulphurica
Manganum aceticum
Vinca minor
Vinca minor
Lobelia erinus

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To be happy, beautiful, healthy, wealthy, hale and long-lived stay with DM3S.