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Actea spicata

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It is a medicine for rheumatism. It is a great remedy for rheumatic pain in wrists, knuckles, ankles, etc. The knot swells with little exertion. Dull feeling all over the body, especially in the liver and chest. Tearing, throbbing pains are characteristic of this medicine, especially affecting small joints. Heart and circulatory system. Pain increases with touch and movement.

Head: Scary, easily startled; Stupid, blood boils inside the head, excitement increases after drinking coffee. Dizziness, tearing pain in the head, falling less in the open air, congestion in the brain, from the palm of the head to the space between the eyes.

Pain: forehead warm, pain in left forehead, as if left frontal bone would break. Scalp alternately itching and hot, tip of nose red, thin spiral discharge.

Face Acute pain in upper jaw, pain extending from teeth to cheekbones to veins. Sweat on head and face.

Stomach: Tearing pain in upper part of stomach with vomiting. Pinching pain in stomach and upper part of abdomen, with difficulty breathing, feeling as if suffocated. Sudden tiredness after eating.

Abdomen: Pulling pain in the back. Abdominal swelling and stabbing pain. Breathing, shortness of breath, irregular breathing at night, after lying down. Intense pressure in the chest. Breathing and breathing becomes shallow in cold air.

Limbs: Tearing pains in hips. Rheumatic pain in small joints, wrists (Alman), fingers, toes, ankles. Joints swell with slight fatigue. Wrists swollen, red, aggravated by any movement. Paralysis of both hands. Numbness of both arms. Knee pain. Sudden fatigue after talking or eating.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics


Prepared from the pulp of a type of seedling tree (bonberry) from places such as Spain.

Homeopathic Indications

Dosage Administration

Boric power: 3rd power.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Actea spicata

List of all homeopathic generics available in the country and complete profile where users can comment and rate. Generic similar to a generic, antagonistic generic, generic instructions, dosage administration, directions, side effects, warnings, ingredients, etc. have been added.

Carbon oxygenisatum
Actea spicata
Actea spicata
Myrtus communis
Rademacher`s liquor
Panacea arvensis
Calcarea muriatica

Searching Keywords Idea
Actea spicata, অ্যাকটিয়া স্পাইকেটা

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