“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
The most important characteristic of this medicine is found in the color and smell of urine. This medicine has obvious action on metabolism. Symptoms of uric acid poisoning this medicine can cause and even cure include very dark-colored and strong-smelling urine and gouty symptoms. Kidney failure. The baby always wants to be in the lap and never wants to lie down. Pain suddenly changes place. Antipsychotic. Arthritis and asthma sufferers.
The mind stirs in the mind with the unpleasant events that happened in the past. Sometimes words are left out while writing. disappointment Dizziness, tendency to fall to one side. Clogged arteries, resulting in swelling around the ear. Noise in the ears when entering. Sore tongue. Swelling behind the ear. Cold sweat on forehead. Constrictive pains in the mouth, bluish, and bleeding from the gums. Itching in nostrils. Pain in nasal bone. Copper-colored spots on the face. Small blisters with redness. Cheeks with a round red tint.
Stomach Sweating during meals, pressure in the stomach, feeling of a lump in the stomach.
Abdominal pain as if cutting around the navel. Pinching pain in the liver. The sensation of constricted contractions in simple arms. An itchy and watery rash around the anus is characteristic.
Feces are loose, foul-smelling, liquid, light-colored, like soap scum, and air movement in the colon. Urine rictus smelling, changing color, brown, acidic, numb urine, dribbling urine, smelly urine in old age. An increase in the amount of uric acid in the urine. Inflammation of the urinary bladder due to suppression of gonorrhea.
Dyspnea in the morning. Asthmatic cough, worse at night, when lying on the right side. The chest is very sensitive. Pain in the heart area. Green mucus. Pressure in the spine. Cold feeling in the sacral region. Slight pain in the kidney area, and an increase in drinking.
Crackling in joints while walking. Pinching pains with a tearing sensation. Ankle muscle spasms. Arthritis is extremely painful. Accumulation due to rheumatism in the tissues. Swelling of the wrist. Knee pain and swelling. Legs are stiff. Tearing pain in the big toe. Hands, feet, back, and knees are cold. Cold feeling, cold sweat. A warm feeling inside the body on rising. The skin is red. Itching in small areas.