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“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."

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Abies nigra
DM3S Homeopathic Company Ltd.
Liquid Liquid
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Abies nigra - Brands

A powerful and long-lasting medicine, used in various diseases, where the characteristic stomach symptoms of the drug are present.

This drug acts specifically on the mucous membrane of the stomach causing digestive disturbances such as indigestion, indigestion etc.

Most of the symptoms are associated with stomach symptoms. Heart failure symptoms present with heart failure in the elderly. Constipation Pain on the outside of the urethra.

Head: Hot, flushed face, depressed, tired towards noon, unable to think.

Stomach: Stomach pain always occurs after meals. Sensation of a lump in the extremity of the stomach near the heart, as though there were a large and boiled, hard egg in that part. Not hungry at all in the morning but extra hungry in the afternoon and night. Wind comes out of the mouth and the mouth is foul-smelling. Watery mouth after coughing.

Sleep: Night waking and restlessness. Along with hunger. nightmare

Tuberculinum bacillinum
Tuberculinum bacillinum
Benzoic acid
Natrum silicum
Pothos foetidus
Apium virus

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