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Dr. Reckeweg R46 Available Pharmacies
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Dr. Reckeweg R46 - Pharmacies

In rheumatism and gout of fore-arms and hands, with swelling of articulations. In acute cases, benumbedness and swelling of articulations, characteristics in arthritis with deformation. Frequently such pains grow worse with change of weather (humidity).

This remedy may also be used in other rheumatic aches (growing worse in damp weather) such as: sciatica, rheumatism in the knees, shoulders, pains in the sacral region, inflammation of articulations of the haunches, intercostal neuralgia, rheumatism of the occiput.


The present remedy may also be used in feverish infections growing worse or caused by humidity.

Ferrum phosphoricum: Against inflammations. Influences secondary anaemia frequently occuring in rheumatism and arthritis with deformation.

Lithium carbonicum: Specific effect in rheumatism and gout, in arthritis with deformation and rheumatic-gouty illnesses

Natrium sulfuricum: Aggravation by humidity in rheumatism and asthma.

Nux vomica: Worse on getting up, low spirits in the morning.

Rhododendron: Chronic rheumatism, pains in limbs and mainly in bones of fore-arms and hands.

Spiraea ulmaria: Fluttering pains, localized in the articulations of the elbows.


Will be adapted according to the acuteness of the pains. In general 2-3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals for a longer period of time (eventually to be alternated with other complementary remedies). In acute cases take 10 drops every ½-1 hours.

After improvement take 10-15 drops every 2-3 hours (also the other complementary remedies - eventually in the morning, at noon and at night).

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