“May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be at peace and may no one ever suffer."
Endocrine dysfunction, growth disturbances, obesity due to pituitary dysfunction, respectively underweight, goitre, Grave's diseases, Addison's disease, myxoedema, etc.
Glandulae suprarenales: Asthenia, weight reduction, myasthenia. Allergic conditions, asthma, hypoglycaemia. Hypertonia-Hypotonia.
Hypophysis: Essential element of hormonal system. Controls the internal secretion, the contents of lactic acid in the blood, the mineralization and the fluidic content of the body. (anti-diuretic effect).
Pancreas: Pancreatic diabetes. Stimulates production of digestive secretions.
Ovaria: Senility, declining potency, faulty memory, depression, functional disturbances of the glands, inferiority complex, cryptorchidism, nocturnal enuresis, impotency. Frigidity of women, lesbian tendencies, oligo- and azzoospermia, faulty circulation, congestions. Attenuates hyperfunction of hypophysis.
Glandulae thymi: Exhaustion, mongolism.
Thyreoidinum: Regulation of the thyroid gland, interrupted development of hyroidinum Mixoedema, hypothermy, hypercholesterinamia, retarded intellectual development, helps drain the organism.
Generally 3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water.