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Oliguric phase of renal failure Generics
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Oliguric phase of renal failure - Generics

The oliguric phase of renal failure, also known as the anuric phase, is a stage of acute kidney injury (AKI) characterized by a significant decrease in urine output. During this phase, the kidneys are not able to filter enough waste and fluid from the blood, resulting in a buildup of toxins in the body.

The oliguric phase typically lasts for 1-3 weeks and is often associated with other symptoms such as edema, hypertension, and electrolyte imbalances. The reduced urine output during this phase is defined as less than 400 milliliters per day in adults and less than 0.5 milliliters per kilogram per hour in children.

Treatment for the oliguric phase of renal failure aims to support the kidneys and manage any complications that may arise. This may include interventions such as dialysis or continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) to help remove excess fluid and waste products from the blood. Nutritional support, such as a low-protein diet, may also be recommended to reduce the workload on the kidneys.

In some cases, the oliguric phase may progress to the diuretic phase, during which urine output increases as the kidneys begin to recover. However, in severe cases, renal failure may progress to end-stage renal disease, which requires long-term dialysis or kidney transplantation for survival.

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Oliguric phase of renal failure, রেনাল ব্যর্থতার অলিগুরিক পর্যায়ে

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