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Negative nitrogen balance Generics
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Amino Acids 7% + Glucose + Electrolytes 10%
Vitamin, Mineral & Nutritional Deficiency

Negative nitrogen balance - Generics

Negative nitrogen balance refers to a state in which the body is losing more nitrogen than it is taking in through dietary sources. Nitrogen is a key component of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. When the body is in negative nitrogen balance, it means that it is breaking down more proteins than it is synthesizing, which can lead to muscle wasting and loss of lean body mass.

Negative nitrogen balance can occur in a variety of situations, including:

  1. Starvation: When the body is not receiving enough protein from the diet, it begins to break down muscle tissue in order to obtain the amino acids it needs to maintain vital functions.
  2. Illness or injury: During times of illness or injury, the body may break down muscle tissue in order to provide the amino acids needed for tissue repair.
  3. Infection: Infections can increase the body's metabolic rate, leading to an increased breakdown of muscle tissue.
  4. Chronic diseases: Chronic diseases such as cancer, kidney disease, and heart failure can lead to negative nitrogen balance due to increased metabolic demands and decreased protein intake.
  5. Aging: As we age, the body's ability to synthesize new proteins decreases, which can lead to a negative nitrogen balance.

Negative nitrogen balance can have serious consequences, including impaired wound healing, increased risk of infections, and decreased muscle strength and function. It is important to ensure adequate protein intake in order to maintain a positive nitrogen balance and support optimal health and function.

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Negative nitrogen balance, নেতিবাচক নাইট্রোজেন ভারসাম্য

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