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Oral Rehydration Salt [Powder]

Oral electrolytes preparations
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This is the preparation of oral rehydration salt. It is composed of anhydrous glucose, sodium chloride, potassium chloride and sodium citrate (as dihydrate). This is a single formulation of glucose based oral rehydration salt to treat or prevent dehydration from diarrhea of any etiology, including cholera and in individuals of any age. This also prevents acidosis due to electrolyte imbalance.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications

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Reduced osmolarity: 1/2 liter formula (10.25 gm): Per sachet contains-

  • Sodium chloride 1.30gm
  • Potassium chloride 0.75 gm
  • Tri-sodium citrate dihydrate 1.45 gm
  • Glucose anhydrous 6.75 gm

Higher osmolarity: 1/2 liter formula (13.95 gm): Per sachet contains-

  • Sodium chloride 1.75 gm
  • Potassium chloride 0.75 gm
  • Tri-sodium citrate dihydrate 1.45 gm
  • Glucose anhydrous 10 gm

Higher osmolarity: 1 liter formula (27.50 gm): Per sachet contains-

  • Sodium chloride 3.5 gm
  • Sodium biocarbonate 2.5 gm
  • Potassium chloride 1.5 gm
  • Glucose anhydrous 20 gm

Drug Indications

Oral Rehydration Salt replacement of fluid and electrolyte loss due to-

  • Acute diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration

Other conditions of fluid loss or lack of intake in patients of all age groups.

Dosage Administration

Daily dose should be equivalent to patients' fluid requirement for maintenance and replenishment of losses. During this therapy, mother should not stop breastfeeding to their child and normal food should be continued in case of adults.

Children less than 2 years: After each loose stool or vomiting 50-100 mL (10 to 20 teaspoonful) of prepared this.

Children 2 to 10 years: After each loose stool or vomiting 100-200 mL (1/2 to 1 glass) of prepared oral saline.

Adult and children above 10 years: After each loose stool or vomiting 200-400 mL (1 to 2 glass) of prepared this.


Disperse the full contents of the sachet in 500 mL (1/2 liter) of pure drinking water.

  • Do not mix the oral saline with hot water or heat the prepared solution.
  • Discard the unused prepared oral saline after 12 hours of preparation.


Side Effect

Precaution Warning

Depressed renal function, severe continuing diarrhea or other critical fluid losses may need supplementation with parenteral fluids along with oral saline.


Oral Rehydration Salt [Powder]

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