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Flupentixol + Melitracen

0.5mg + 10mg
Combined anxiolytics & anti-depressant drugs
0.00 (0)

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This consists of two well known and well proven compounds: flupentixol-a neuroleptic with anxiolytic and antidepressant properties of its own when given in small doses, and melitracen-a bipolar thymoleptic with activating properties in low doses. In combination the compounds render a preparation with antidepressant, anxiolytic and activating properties. Maximal serum concentration is reached in about 4 hours after oral administration of flupentixol and in about 4 hours after oral administration of melitracen. The biological half-life of flupentixol is about 35 hours and that of melitracen is about 19 hours. The combination of flupentixol and melitracen does not seem to influence the pharmacokinetic properties of the individual compounds.

Generic for Diseases
  • Cardiac Failure
  • Heart failure
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
  • Separation anxiety disorder
  • Illness anxiety disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder

Generic Indications
  • Psychosis

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Drug Indications

Flupentixol and Melitracen tablet is indicated in-

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Apathy
  • Psychogenic depression.
  • Depressive neurosses.
  • Masked depression.
  • Psychosomatic affections accompanied by anxiety and apathy.
  • Menopausal depressions.
  • Dysphoria and depression in alcoholics and drug addicts.

Dosage Administration

Adults: Usually 2 tablets orally daily in the morning and noon. In severe cases, the morning dose may be increased to 2 tablets.

Elderly patients: 1 tablet in the morning.

Maintenance dose: Usually 1 tablet orally in the morning. In cases of insomnia or severe restlessness, additional treatment with a sedative in the acute phase is recommended.

  • The immediate recovery phase after myocardial infarction.
  • Defects in bundle-branch conduction.
  • Untreated narrow-angle glaucoma.
  • Acute alcohol, barbiturate and opiate intoxications.
  • This tablet should not be given to patients who have received an MAO-inhibitor within two weeks.
  • Not recommended for excitable or overactive patients since its activating effect may lead to exaggeration of these characteristics.

Side Effect

In the recommended doses side effects are rare. These could be transient restlessness and insomnia.

Overdose Effects

In cases of overdosage the symptoms of intoxications by melitracen, especially of anticholinergic nature, dominate. More rarely extrapyramidal symptoms due to flupentixol occur. Symptomatic and Supportive. Gastric lavage should be carried out as soon as possible and activated charcoal may be administered. Measures aimed at supporting the respiratory and cardiovascular systems should be instituted. Epinephrine (adrenaline) must not be used for such patients. Convulsions may be treated with diazepam and extrapyramidal symptoms with biperiden.

Precaution Warning

If previously the patient has been treated with tranquillizers with sedative effect these should be withdrawn gradually.

Pregnancy & Lactation

This tablet should preferably not be given during pregnancy and lactation.


Flupentixol + Melitracen

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