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Dextran + Hypromellose

Drugs for Dry eyes
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Dextran & Hypromellose combination Eye drops acts like natural tears, which provides smoothing relief to dry, itchy, burning and irritated eyes. It helps eyes to stay moist

healthy and protects against further irritation. This unique combination of ingredients works together to retain moisture on the eye and slow evaporation of the tear film.

Hypromellose promotes corneal wetting by stabilizing and thickening the precorneal tear film and prolonging the tear film breakup time, which is usually shortened in dry eye conditions. Also acts to lubricate and protect the eye. Dextran is a complex branched glucan composed of chains of varying lengths. It is used medicinally as an antithrombotic, to reduce blood viscosity, and as a volume expander in hypovolaemia.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications
  • Dry eye

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Drug Indications

As a lubricant and artificial tear in dry eye and other ocular irritation syndromes associated with deficient tear or mucous secretion. This combination also prevents cornea to damage in patients with keratoconjunctivitis and for ocular lubrication. It is also used for the temporary relief of burning and irritation due to dryness of the eye and for use as the protectant against further irritation.

Dosage Administration

Adults and children: One or two drops three times daily or as directed by the physician.


This product contains Benzalkonium Chloride and should not be used when soft contact lenses are being worn.

Side Effect

There are no known side effects with the use of it, however, if the patient experiences any reaction in eye or other part of the body after using this medication then consult with doctor

Precaution Warning

If irritation persists or if the condition does not improve, patient should seek further advice from doctor.

Pregnancy & Lactation

There is insufficient evidence as to the safety in pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, this product should only be used in pregnancy and lactation if it is considered essential by the physician.


Dextran + Hypromellose

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