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Copper Peptide + Procapil + Niacinamide + Biotin + L-Arginine

Miscellaneous topical agents
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Action Period: ...

  • Prevents DHT formation
  • Enhances micro circulation
  • Protects, Nurtures & Nourishes
  • Hair Follicles, Hair Root & Scalp


Procapil: Targets the root cause of hair loss. It strengthens hair and prevents hair loss naturally. Increases blood flow in the scalp which allows the hair to be well nourished, resulting in thickening of thin starving hair. Procapil activates a number of genes responsible for tissue repair mechanisms, thus provides protectingand repairing effects, keepinghair strongandhealthy.

Copper Peptide: Boosts the hair growth, health & appearance. Increases the proliferation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes; nerve outgrowth and hair follicle size, thus boosts the hair health andappearance.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications

Complement Generics
Similar Generics
Inimical Generics

  • Copper Peptide 3.0%
  • Procapil 3.0%
  • Niacinamide 0.5%
  • Biotin 0.1%
  • L- Arginine 1.0%

Drug Indications
  • Helps in substantial Hair growth.
  • It Prevents hair loss.
  • It delicays androgenic alopecia.
  • It Reduces premature greying of hair.
  • It Prevents split hair.
  • It Provides complete nourishment to the scalp and hair.

Dosage Administration

Take approximate quantity of Nemus Hair Serum in your palm and gently massage on the scalp till it absorbs. For best results apply before bed time.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.

Side Effect

Precaution Warning


Copper Peptide + Procapil + Niacinamide + Biotin + L-Arginine

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