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Calcium Lactate Gluconate + Calcium Carbonate + Vitamin D3

500mg / 5ml
Multi-vitamin & Multi-mineral combined preparations, Specific mineral & vitamin combined preparations
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Adequate Calcium in the blood is so vital to a wide variety of bodily functions that our internal biochemistry will not tolerate a deficiency even for short periods. Clinical evidence suggests that Calcium is useful for the prevention and treatment of Osteoporosis and associated fractures. Vitamin D is also essential for healthy bones as it aids in Calcium absorption from the GI tract. In addition to this it stimulates bone formation. Clinical studies also show that Calcium and Vitamin D has synergistic effects on bone growth as well as in Osteoporosis and fracture prevention.

Generic for Diseases

Generic Indications
  • Hypocalcemia

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Each effervescent tablet contains- 

  • Calcium Lactate Gluconate 1358.196 mg
  • Calcium Carbonate 600 mg
  • Vitamin D3 400 IU

Drug Indications

Prevention and treatment of calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Calcium and vitamin D supplement as an adjunct to specific therapy in the prevention and treatment of Osteoporosis for patients who are at risk of calcium and vitamin D deficiency

Dosage Administration

1-2 tablets per day, preferably one tablet each morning and evening or as directed by the physician

Pour a tablet in a glass of water. The tablet will be dissolved within 1-2 minutes in the water. Drink the solution immediately.


Hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism, Hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis, Hypersensitivity to the component of this preparation, Severe renal insufficiencies

Side Effect

Orally administered Calcium Carbonate may be irritating to the GI tract. It may also cause constipation. Hypercalcemia is rarely produced by administration of Calcium alone, but may occur when large doses are given to patients with chronic renal failure. Also there may be allergic reactions, irregular heartbeats, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite dry mouth and drowsiness, skin rash.

Overdose Effects

Symptoms of over dose may include nausea and vomiting, severe drowsiness, dry mouth, loss of appetite, Metallic taste, stomach cramps, unconsciousness, diarrhea, weakness, headache, constipation, dizziness or irritability. The most serious consequence of acute chronic overdose is hypocalcaemia due to Vitamin D toxicity

Precaution Warning

When hypercalcemia occurs discontinuation of the drug is usually sufficient to return serum calcium concentrations to normal. Calcium salts should be used cautiously in patients with sarcoidosis, renal or cardiac disease and in patients receiving cardiac glycosides. Patients with a history of stone formation should also be recommended to increase their fluid intake.

Pregnancy & Lactation

This can be used during pregnancy, in case of a calcium and vitamin D deficiency. However, for supplementation starting during the third trimester of pregnancy, the daily intake should not exceed 1500 mg calcium and 1000 IU vitamin D. This preparation can be used during breast-feeding.


Calcium Lactate Gluconate + Calcium Carbonate + Vitamin D3

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